
    Free and open materials online for teachers in Education 4.0

    The EMVITET project has produced a large collection of materials related to teachers’ pedagogical and digital competence development. The bearing thought of the collection is that all of the materials are open and free to use online. The materials are both in English and translated to Vietnamese or if translation is not possible the similar material is searched in Vietnamese.

    The collection, Edu 4.0 Teacher Resource Package is divided in three categories that are a basement to the EMVITET project’s three phases: Pedagogy and learning design, Digital Technologies and Learning Ecosystem.

    The materials of pedagogy and learning design include readings and other materials in topics such as designing online course, student-centered learning, active learning, and assessment practices. You will find instructions, models and presentations related to the pedagogy and learning design.

    The section of technologies you find several instructions and cases of technological tools that can be used for organizing learning, assessment and feedback. In addition, some models how to scaffold and guide students in online settings is available. You may find also some free online courses how to use various tools in teaching and learning settings. The courses are free of charges and are given in the tools such as Office 365 for educators, Google tools, Camtasia, Learning Canvas, Wordpress for education, and ZOOM.

    The concept of the learning ecosystem is to understand the relationship between VET, higher education and the world of work and it seeks for new models for collaboration enabled also in digital format (Virolainen et al., 2019). This means that teachers have to develop and work in the learning ecosystem with all of the stakeholders such as students, colleague teachers, and industry partners. This requires a lot from teachers. In order to develop, the collection of materials is available in topics such as students’ design thinking, co-creation pedagogy in working life collaboration, organizational perspectives and teachers’ work in ecosystems. Some webinars related to the topic is also found in the teacher resource package materials.

    Even the project is in the end phase the project actors hope that the teachers resource package is utilized widely around the Europe and Vietnam. New ideas and openings related to the above-mentioned topics are welcomed.

    All the materials are found via the EMVITET official web pages: (materials, EN/VN).


    Ngày 03/06/2022 - 15:04:36

    Edu 4.0, Technology, Pedagogy, Learning Ecosystem

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