
    EMVITET Teachers Study Visit at HAMK, Finland

    The Teacher Study Visit was the first step on the teachers’ development process in EMVITET project. The project aims to transform education to better meet the changing needs of working life. In September altogether 33 Vietnamese teachers participated in a three-week period at Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Finland. During this training visit, the teachers experienced best practice in learner-centered and innovative teaching and learning methods. The training contents included digital pedagogy, reflective learning, dialogue skills and collaboration with industry. The training was led by HAMK Edu in collaboration with Dublin City University and KU Leuven educational developers. The participants also worked with HAMK Design Factory and HAMK cSchool. Visit to HAMK Riihimäki campus highlighted the teamwork of teachers and collaboration with industry. Vietnamese teachers were truly impressed by the confidence and sharpness of the HAMK's students when presenting the projects that they had done in response to the orders from the industry. The participants also appreciated the creativity in organizing the learning environment and learning activities in HAMK University, such as the lightboard room for recording online learning materials.

    Vietnamese teachers developing inspiring learning materials with lightboard
    Vietnamese teachers developing inspiring learning materials with lightboard

    Vietnamese teachers are active developers in their own organizations. Development of digital learning environments is a key as project work continues in each partner institute after the study visit. During the three weeks, a common understanding was created on how digital environments support interaction both in the project and in teachers’ own work.

    Teachers group work on mapping the learning ecosystem
    Teachers group work on mapping the learning ecosystem

    Vietnamese institutes are interested to invest in teachers' pedagogical competence and create inspiring education for students. Many participants would like to try out team teaching in their own work, although they also recognize its challenges in a traditional teaching and learning environment. EMVITET project creates opportunities to develop educational practices. After the study visit the participants will use their new understanding and start transforming their practices towards Education 4.0. Many institutions have started to develop their learning design in online and blended learning.

    Teachers focusing on learning design in digital environments
    Teachers focusing on learning design in digital environments

    EMVITET (Empowering Vietnamese VET Teachers for Transformation towards Education 4.0) is a three-year project funded by the Erasmus + program. The project focuses on developing teacher’s pedagogical competence, strengthening student's active role in learning, utilizing digitalisation and creating new opportunities for collaborating with industry. The goal is to create a new kind of education to meet the changing needs of working life. HAMK is coordinating the project. The project partners are Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Lac Hong University, University of Technology and Education – University of Danang, Hue Industrial College, Ho Chi Minh City Industry and Trade College and College of Technology II. European universities working as educational developers in the project are Dublin City University from Ireland and KU Leuven from Belgium.

    Participants of EMVITET project visiting HAMK Riihimäki campus
    Participants of EMVITET project visiting HAMK Riihimäki campus

    Ngày 01/11/2019 - 08:19:32

    EMVITET, Teachers Study Visit

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