About Us
Background document of Education 4.0 principles for Vietnamese institutions
Guidelines to implement Education 4.0 principles for Vietnamese Institutions
1ST PUBLICATION: Rethinking Learning Towards Education 4.0
ePortfolio implementation in Education 4.0
Utilizing Learning Analytics to support learning process
Digital badges in competence-based education
Successful Industry-Education collaboration (23 March, 2020)
Analysis students' problem solving issue to identify strategies
Develop students’ critical thinking ability and attitudes
Authentic online oral assessment - An examination replacement
Best Tools for Virtual Teams
Impacts of digital technology on teaching & learning activities in Education 4.0
Rethinking Learning Towards Education 4.0
Virtual Study Visit 2022
EMVITET Study Visit - Belgian perspectives on ingraining Education 4.0
Day 1- Part 1: Introduction and Vision of KU Leuven on education and learning
Day 1- Part 2: Assessment at KU Leuven
Day 1- Part 3: Preparation Quick guide to Blended Course design
Day 2- Part 1: Preparation Inspiring practices for Blended course design
Day 2- Part 2: Moodle platform
Day 3 - Part 1: Finishing your course design
Day 3 - Part 2: Educational networks
Day 4: Collaboration with industry
Welcome to explore materials to design inspiring learning in Education 4.0
Pedagogy and learning design
Teachers design and implement competence-based and student-centred learning in Education 4.0
Active Learning
Assessment as Learning
Designing good online course
Student-centered learning
Motivation & learning
Organize alternative assessment
Challenge-based education
Other resources
Digital technologies
Teachers use effectively technology to enhance teaching and learning practices in Education 4.0
e-Assessment as Learning
Tools for organizing F2F interaction or online activities
Tools for giving online feedback
How to guide students online
Stimulate interactions for active learning
Platforms for designing online course
Available online training for various tools
Learning ecosystem
Teachers succesfully create collaboration within education and industry for learning ecosystem
Learning Ecosystem
Students’ design thinking process in building solutions
Co-creation pedagogy in worklife collaboration
Design Factory values and practices in creating ecosystems
Organizational perspectives for ecosystem building
Teachers’ work in learning ecosystems
Successful Industry- Education collaboration
Collaboration skills in ecosystem building
Learning Ecosystem approach in Education 4.0
Overview of EMVITET Project- co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
First EMVITET webinar- Successful Industry - Education collaboration (Bilingual version)
First EMVITET webinar- Successful Industry - Education collaboration (Vietnamese version)
First EMVITET webinar- Successful Industry - Education collaboration (English version)
Empowering in Education Change
Education 4.0 & New skills
Soft Skills in Education 4.0
Ecosystem for Education 4.0
Student-centered Learning
Learning community
Instructional Online Learning Design
LightBoard Technology
Contact US
© 2019 Emvitet