Virtual Study Visit 2022

Day 1- Part 2: Assessment at KU Leuven

1. Testimonal Bert De Groef, teacher and educational developer at the Faculty of Sciences (audio)

* Listen to this audio fragment Introduction Bert De Groef (1min19)

* Listen to this audio fragment about ‘Rubric (7min50)

* Here you can find the interactive rubric of Bert De Groef. Open this document while listening to the audio fragment about Rubric. 

* Listen to this audio fragment about ‘Process portfolio’ (9min43)

* Listen to this audio fragment about ‘Peer feedback’ (12min15)

2. Prepare your questions for the Q&A with Bert De Groef (5 min)

3. Create a mindmap about what feedback and assessment means for you. We will use this mindmap in the workshop (15 min)


Ngày 24/03/2022 - 16:13:27

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