Learning ecosystem

Teachers’ work in learning ecosystems

When we move towards learning ecosystems, we move away from egocentric thinking and working. In a teacher's work, this means that you are not just focused on delivering knowledge in your own teaching subjects but you are aware of what kind of new competence demands there exist in the changing world of work. You are also aware that effective learning happens in authentic learning contexts, not just within classrooms. You see yourself as a part of the ecosystem, collaborating with your colleagues and business partners in order to enable authentic learning experiences of students. You can work as a facilitator and put your students in the centre to create solutions to challenges of the world of work.  

The shift from ego-system to ecosystem is illustrated in the following picture:

EXPLORE THIS: https://medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/vertical-literacy-12-principles-for-reinventing-the-21st-century-university-39c2948192ee

When learning the new competencies needed in ecosystems, teachers might need job crafting:

 * How do I need to change the way I think about my job?

* How do I need to change my tasks in which I concentrate on the most? What tasks to increase and add? What tasks to diminish or give up?

* How do I need to change my relationships? Relationships with students? Relationships with my colleagues? Relationships with work-life partners?

One case study from Finland Teacher facilitators’ job crafting - Making meaning and relevance in authentic learning environments  describes how teachers crafted their job when moving to work in an authentic, collaborative and work-life connected environment. As a teacher, how do you feel about those experiences? 

Ngày 12/02/2022 - 09:07:36

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