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EMVITET brochure

Rapid changes and disruption in the world of work invite all of us to rethink learning and education. We need new mindsets, new practices and innovative models to maintain the relevance of the education.
EMVITET - Empowering Vietnamese VET Teachers for Transformation towards Education 4.0 is a capacity-building project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. EMVITET aims to create an inspiring learning ecosystem in Vietnam, based on student-centered and competence-based education, collaboration and networking in digital environments and close connection with the work life. Teachers’ competence development is at the centre.
The process of EMVITET is based on development cycles with a participatory approach consisting of three cycles: Establishing, Piloting and Ingraining Education 4.0. Vietnamese teachers are active change agents and European partners work as facilitators.
The EMVITET project generates continuous co-creation of Education 4.0 practices with study visits, workshops and online collaboration. Vietnamese partners pilot, experiment and share their development activities and outcomes. European partners work as facilitators and experts. Digital environments in the development process play an important role.




Ngày 27/06/2022 - 20:26:02

EMVITET brochure

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