
Designing good online courses: How?

The EMVITET project intends to support teachers to make maximum benefits of technology. Designing online/blended courses are the expected outcomes of the EMVITET teachers. In this page, some resources are offered as they contain useful and practical tips for designing and constructing good online/blended courses.

Ten Tips for Emergency Remote Teaching

by Paul A. Kirschner

Instructional techniques involved in online teaching are not (completely) the same as what we do in the classroom during face-to-face education. In this blog, the author summarized 10 essential principles for ensuring the effectiveness of online teaching & learning... Read more


Constructive alignment- A key design principle for good (online) courses

By KULleuven

'Constructive alignment' starts with the notion that the learner constructs his or her own learning through relevant learning activities. The teacher's job is to create a learning environment that supports the learning activities appropriate to achieving the desired learning outcomes. The key is that all components in the teaching system - the curriculum and its intended outcomes, the teaching methods used, the assessment tasks - are aligned to each other.

See detailed explanation offered in this prezi presentation


Online course design approach: using flipped classroom

By KULleuven

One way of designing a good online course is to carefully use flipped classroom approach. What is flipped classroom, why it can be beneficial and how to design such classes, please find more in this page.


Planning for Effective Remote Teaching During Covid 



Consider Communication & Engagement 


To organize good online courses, one needs to consider carefully the communication and engagement strategies. In this blog 5 tips are illustrated.


Implementing good online courses: What does it look like?


This infographic illustrates the attention points concerning 6 key aspects of an online course and possible ways/tools to run an online course. Read the pdf to know more in detail.

Available online modules/courses

Teaching & learning on higher education


Modules were collaboratively developed by Queen’s University, Western University, and the University of Waterloo, with support from eCampusOntario. The underlying principle of the six modules is that they are applicable across disciplines, and other institutions regardless of the structure and programs already developed for graduate students on teaching and learning. Our goal in developing these modules was to leverage the advantages of the online environment to better prepare graduate students and to decrease the resources and time required for frequent and lengthy in-class components.

 The entire course of six modules as well as each individual module and are available on this website as open educational resources in editable formats so that other institutions can adopt, contextualize and personalize them, or use them in their entirety. For more information, see the following Information Page.



How To Teach Online: Providing Continuity for Students

This module starts by finding the most pressing challenge teachers need to address in designing and running online course(s).

Making blended education work

This course intends to help you:

  1. Identify the maturity of your blended learning practice

  2. Advance your blended learning practice

  3. Recognise factors in the wider context of the political landscape and digital transformation

Ps. You need to register in futurelearning platform in order to enjoy all free online courses.

Instructional design literature 

Do you want to know more about effective design principles and strategies to design good online courses? Have a look at these open-source articles:

17 design principles that all teachers shall know

Research-Informed Principles for (Re)designing Teaching and Learning Spaces

Instructional design models for well-structured and III-structured problem-solving learning outcomes

Applying learning theories and instructional design models for effective instruction

For anyone who wants to dig more into problem-based teaching & learning, these two articles are worth reading. 

Toward a Design Theory of Problem Solving

Perspectives on Problem Solving and Instruction
Ngày 01/08/2021 - 15:35:17

Course design, Online course, EDU4.0

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